Welcome to TEWD!

I launched this blog as a way of reaching out to other unmarried and/or divorced fathers who are committed to remaining an active and positive force in the life of their child or children. I will be posting my thoughts and experiences, as well as information on upcoming events sponsored by TEWD!

Feel free to leave your thoughts. Fatherhood is a journey that strengthens both child and father. Let's give it our best!


Saturday, February 11, 2012


A lot of people think that a man who fathers a child should marry that child's mother. It's an old-school way of thinking, and, although I respect it, I don't agree with it. Each man should determine what is in the best interest of the child, based on several factors - not the least of which how he gets along with the mother. A mother and father who don't get along and who constantly butt heads can be, in my opinion, counter-productive for the health of the child. If the couple cannot resolve their differences through counseling, and if both are just that dead-set against resolution, then I believe they should remain apart. Better for that child to experience his parents  apart and sane than together and insane.

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