Welcome to TEWD!

I launched this blog as a way of reaching out to other unmarried and/or divorced fathers who are committed to remaining an active and positive force in the life of their child or children. I will be posting my thoughts and experiences, as well as information on upcoming events sponsored by TEWD!

Feel free to leave your thoughts. Fatherhood is a journey that strengthens both child and father. Let's give it our best!


Friday, May 11, 2012

There were a few of my friends who were critical of my decision to take my son’s mother to court, but who never inquired as to how the proceedings fared. For me, the most important factor in my actions was my son. I had many conversations with him as to why I took action. It was in his best interest. One evening several months ago, he said, “Daddy, can you fix it to where I can talk to you on the phone?” I was moved. What was I to do? Surely I could not give him an empty response! So I went to his mother and asked her to let him talk to me on the phone. She said no. So I went to a judge and asked her to let him talk to me on the phone. She said yes. My single and overriding motivation for court action was because my son asked me to do it! Nothing more. Nothing less.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Next TVR: Can a Man Raise a Child Just as Well as a Woman? Join me Mothers Day, Sunday, May 13, 2012 as we probe this question with our special guest! Call-in number: 347.915.9517 The Village Report: Raising awareness. Inspiring change!