Welcome to TEWD!

I launched this blog as a way of reaching out to other unmarried and/or divorced fathers who are committed to remaining an active and positive force in the life of their child or children. I will be posting my thoughts and experiences, as well as information on upcoming events sponsored by TEWD!

Feel free to leave your thoughts. Fatherhood is a journey that strengthens both child and father. Let's give it our best!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Next TVR: Trayvon Martin and the Burden of Our Black Boys

Join me Sunday, March 25, 2012 for: The Burden of Our Black Boys.
In the wake of Trayvon Martin's senseless killing, how do we protect our black boys from a society that despises them? Plus, will there be justice for Trayvon? We'll ask a panel of mentors and social justice advocates!
Next TVR! Dial 347.215.9517 at 5pm central to listen or comment.
Raising awareness. Inspiring change.

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